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Create Balance


Lean Into Your Life:

Professional Career Coaching & Consulting

Life’s journeys and experiences can teach us many things if we remain open to them. We must slow down, pause, reflect and listen to learn from our experiences. My coaching is about sharing my learnings with you, ultimately giving you the courage to persevere in your goals and insight to stop and listen to the guiding signs along the way. Consider me your co-collaborator and wellness guide on your path to wholeness.

Daggett Studios helps entrepreneurs, visionaries, and creatives turn passions into sustainable lifestyles.

Learn to realize your full potential through personal exploration.

Poached Eggs with Skillet Toast

Looking to build your own art career, professional career, or find personal balance?

Ask yourself this:

Why here? Why now? What is troubling you? How and why do you want to move forward? 

These questions start you on the path toward greater insight through coaching. From there, I help you:

Work from Within: Self-reflection, goal-setting. Ask yourself, Where do I want to go from here? How do I envision my future? 

Make It Stick: Implement your process, develop strategies for improvement, and focus on making positive change happen for real and to last. 

When it comes to coaching, ​​I provide a discerning ear that is focused on building trust and authentic open conversation to help you when you most need it. My focus is listening. I aim to help you establish your goals and overcome obstacles that you might be facing in your personal or professional life. 

My wish is that you find our conversations will bring balance and a sense of wellbeing to your life.


Some of what I offer includes:

  • Support and guidance in overcoming barriers

  • Tips in learning how to be self-aware so that you avoid future challenges

  • Creating balance in your life by setting priorities


Learning how to be visibile.

2019 Women In Green Conference


client testimonial

Positive Feedback

I met Elaine at the Hot Yoga studio where I was teaching several years ago. As her instructor, I always admired the way she showed up for herself in her yoga practice, with consistency, determination, a seeking mind, and a pure heart. She demonstrated a unique willingness to be vulnerable for the sake of her own growth and expansion. We had a conversation after class one day at the yoga studio after class. I learned she had been working for years in the sustainability industry, helping large organizations transform how they do business. I couldn't believe my luck! A woman dedicated to personal growth who is also an expert in sustainability and transformation--thriving in a male-dominated industry! I was a magnet for Elaine from that point on--and she knows her stuff, inside-out! Elaine is a lighthouse of a human being--a beacon of expertise who uses a humanistic approach, generous spirit, and unmistakable "English bulldog determination" in her contribution to my well-being and progress. Elaine is a great choice for a coach. She demonstrated a unique talent for enabling me to stabilize, focus, and advance in the direction of progress. As a yoga teacher with a creative soul and a vast sense of purpose, I really needed support to "reign it in" and "get on track"  for building my yoga enterprise. I am so grateful to Elaine for her support and encouragement, and for helping me focus my energies so I can create the most value possible in the world on every level. 

~ Allie Moscarelli, Yoga Teacher & Director of Allie Yoga LLC ~

Charred Corn Salad with Creamy Lime Dressing

Personalized, One-On-One Coaching

My Process

Step one: Schedule a 30 minute get to know each other chat.

Step two: Commit to the process, make deposit, and sign agreement.

Step three: Work on an hourly basis with a minimum of six one-hour sessions as a start. Ideally, we will meet bi-weekly or once per month.

Step four: Custom coaching

Hourly rate: $100 per hour