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 Art That Connects

Daggett Studios balances the connection between body, soul, mind, & the natural world

Elaine connects her love of the environment and nature through her thoughtful approach to landscapes, birds, and, more recently, figurative yoga poses. Her intense choice of hues, colors, and movement express her style as she explores each piece as an intimate setting. Often the painting provides the viewer an insight into their own past experience or sense of place. Color, light, and expression play an essential role in her pieces. She explores the freedom of movement with each stroke of the brush or pastel, allowing the emotion and thought of the moment to come through onto the paper and canvas.

Custom pieces can be commissioned, just ask!



The Daggett Studios Ethos

We Are Not Made Of One Element: We Are Made Of Many!

If life has anything to teach us, it’s this: we have much to learn from our own experiences. As a coach and creative mind, I help individuals examine the parts that comprise their whole, helping them grow from personal experiences.




Take the first step on your next path.

Meet with me to discuss your vision, potential obstacles, and how to realize your potential.
